【USAGE】: Perfect material for scratch builds, model airplane, boat, and architectural construction, it is the next logical step on from foam board models.
【QUALITY】: Long smooth grain lines, no knots, flexible and easy to wrap around curved surfaces.
【DETAILS】: Balsa wood could be easily cut with a craft knife, they are soft and light like foam board. Cut along the grain while shaping. Extra attention is needed while cutting against the grain, go slow to ensure nice clean cuts. Steaming and soaking could help curving the wood into different forms.
**MATERIAL**: Pale-colored balsa wood featuring an attractive grain pattern. This is the lightest and softest type of wood, making it extremely user-friendly for crafting. It boasts remarkable strength, is buoyant, and possesses excellent insulation characteristics.
【DIMENSION】: Five pieces of 11.8 x 4 inches (300*100 mm) with a thickness of 1/8 inch (3mm) balsa wood.